Dear Autism Community,


We conducted a highly successful Phase 1 study of Microbiota Transplant Therapy for 18 children with autism, and found great improvement in both autism symptoms and gastrointestinal problems both initially and at a two-year follow-up.  


We are now conducting a Phase 2 clinical trial of Microbiota Transplant Therapy (MTT) for adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).  We have already treated 18 adults with ASD, and plan to t

Microbiota Transplant Therapy for Adults with Autism

Help Raise Funds for a Research Study on Microbiota Transplant for Autism

Microbiota Transplant Therapy for Adults with Autism

Dear Autism Community,

We conducted a highly successful Phase 1 study of Microbiota Transplant Therapy for 18 children with autism, and found great improvement in both autism symptoms and gastrointestinal problems, both initially and at a two-year follow-up. Click here to learn more about the Phase 1 study. 

We are now conducting a larger, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of Microbiota Transplant Therapy (MTT) for adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We have already treated 18 adults with ASD, and plan to treat another 66 adults with ASD; however, we need to raise another $200,000 for the study, primarily for drug and microbiota supply (we have a federal grant to pay for most of the other costs including staff, lab tests, microbiome analysis, etc). 

Your support will help us treat more adults with ASD and help bring MTT closer to FDA approval so that an effective therapy to alleviate symptoms can be available to millions of children and adults with ASD.

Thank you for your support!



Prof. James B. Adams, PhD (autism researcher and autism dad)

Prof. Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, PhD (microbiome expert)

Arizona State University


For more information on our study plans, go to


Quotes from families in our adult treatment study

"Our son's GI issues appear to be entirely gone.  Also, his autism symptoms have noticeably improved in the short time since the end of the treatment.  We expect even greater improvement in the future!  Sure wish we could have done this when he was diagnosed at age 3."

"The most immediate effect of the research and treatment is that my son can eat many more foods without the gastric problems such as gut pain, constipation and then diarrhea.  I have also noticed more communication and expressive language.  I believe over time there may be more improvement in his autistic behaviors."

"My adult son is now able to have "normal" back and forth conversations with neighbors and extended friends and family. At Christmas he sat with us and chatted with everyone. He previously would have walked back out the door upon our arrival to go walking to relieve anxiety, and would essentially be gone during the entire visit. His transformation continues to be incredible at the 6 month mark!"  


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