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Support student internship opportunities

Participation Drive
1 Donors
Towards goal of 25 Donors
$100.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on July 02, at 11:18 AM MST
Project Owners

Support student internship opportunities

At The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 82% of undergraduate students who were employed or received at least one job offer 90 days after graduation, completed at least one internship while working on their degree. Many internships are often unpaid, and the costs of the program and living expenses prevent some of the most promising students from participating unless they receive financial assistance. 

Think about a young man or woman working long hours to afford accepting an unpaid internship, but still unable to afford it. Now picture the joy on his or her face as they open a letter that says, "Congratulations! We are pleased to offer you a scholarship..." Imagine the excitement as he or she tells their family, "I've accepted an amazing internship!"

That joy is a reflection of you and your support of internship scholarships. By making a gift to support internships, you are investing in the future of Arizona and the nation.

Nikki Hinshaw; The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


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