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Robin Okun-Hengl ASU Family Scholarship

Raised toward our $30,000 Goal
23 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 30, at 12:00 PM MST
Project Owners

Join Us Celebrate Student Success and Further Support ASU Family!

This scholarship fund was created in honor of Robin Okun-Hengl's dedication to ASU, especially to ASU Family. All the time and hard work that she has put into building family community and supporting student success at ASU, is immeasurable. Robin’s impact is far reaching and with your gift today we can celebrate her and support students at ASU.  

ASU Family Scholarships are Changing Lives  

Every year, ASU Family receives more applications than can be funded. With your help in creating this new additional scholarship endowment, more students will receive the help they need so that more students get the opportunity to thrive in their educational pursuits at ASU.

With your help lives are changed...


 ASU Family Scholarships make a difference in a student’s life by closing the financial gap they're faced with.” 

– Steve Murow, ASU Family Leadership Council Member and Past Parent

Which in turn allows for students like Alexandra to succeed...

 "It is because of your generous scholarship that I am able to continue my education and fulfill my passion as an elementary education major." 

– Alexandra 

... and students like Angelica to be inspired to give back in the future.  

 "Thank you for your generosity and for believing in my dreams, abilities, and work. I am incredibly grateful for your support, and I hope that one day I will be able to support others in the same way." 

– Angelica 

When fully funded, this scholarship endowment will not only help students now but will also provide students needed help in the future.

To Following Robin's Path to Continue Helping Students!

We encourage you today to help us reach our $25,000 goal and celebrate everything Robin has done for students, ASU Family, and ASU Foundation. This scholarship endowment will serve as a permanent legacy to Robin’s 18 years of service of promoting student success.

This scholarship endowment fund was created in honor of Robin Okun-Hengl's dedication to ASU, especially to ASU Family. All the time and hard work that she has put into building family community and supporting student success at ASU, is immeasurable. Robin’s impact is far reaching and with your gift today we can celebrate her and support students at ASU in perpetuity.

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