Recognition: At the end of this cycle, and at the start of the next cycle, we will list your name as one of our sponsors on the website Impact: You can help fund one meal for one member in Paris!
Recognition: Shout-out on our social media Impact: Help purchase PPE to ensure safe lab practices for our new members
Recognition: In addition to the previous two levels, you will also receive a special thank-you section on our promotional materials and presentations. Furthermore, if you so choose, we will send you some stickers and pins to help you display your support Impact: This amount can help one member's ticket for the Grand Jamboree
Recognition: Name/Logo displayed prominently on our website, as well as any promotional material, in addition to the previous perks Impact: This amount can cover 1/5 of the total registration fees for our team!
Recognition: In addition to the previous sections, we will also mention your support in any publications that result from the project next year. Monthly newsletter updates about the progress of the project will be sent out as well! Impact: This amount can cover the ticket, travel, housing, and PPE for one member on the team!