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Tau Epsilon Phi: Student Veterans Building Bonds

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
34 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 21, at 12:00 AM MST
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Support Our Veterans

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Each day 22 veterans are lost to suicide. Tau Epsilon Phi works to provide a safe place and sense of brotherhood & community to help veterans feel at home at ASU and go on to succeed in life.


Pat Tillman's Legacy

42 is the jersey number of Pat Tillman, an alumni of Arizona State University and veteran of the US Army.


Fighting for Education

108,568 veterans have enrolled in full-time programs at universities using the GI Bill since 2012. As a "top military friendly school", many of these student veterans are here at ASU.


Soldiering On

On average, it takes a veteran 480 extra days to complete an undergraduate degree when compared to the general population. This is a statistic that Tau Epsilon Phi aims to reduce by providing a support system for those pursuing their degree at ASU.

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