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ASU Bridging Success: Emergency Fund

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
93 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 18, at 12:00 AM MST
Project Owners

ASU Now Article

October 04, 2018

ASU recently published an article about our efforts to support former foster youth. We have almost reached our goal and we appreciate the support and recognition. We are honored that the story was published. It's a great story, if you would like to check it out, see the link below!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far, we couldn't do this without you!

We have a match!

October 04, 2018

With just one week left of our campaign, we are pleased to announce that we have received a match from one generous donor for $2,000. This means that every dollar given in our final week will essentially be doubled! We have one week left of our campaign and this is the perfect time to join this effort. Will you help us reach our goal through your gift during our final week? Thanks again to all who have contributed thus far, we are excited about our progress and expect to finish strong. We couldn't do it without you!

Conquering Barriers conference

October 04, 2018

Last Thursday, we had the opportunity to host a conference with about 100 service providers about conquering barriers for foster care alumni at ASU. Attendees heard about the various services that ASU offers and from students themselves. As students, we were able to interact with community partners and professionals while gaining insight into some of the barriers that former foster youth face in higher education. Overall, it was a great day! We learned about ways in which to support students and we received great feedback about the event.  

Coffee for college

October 04, 2018

We have reached 37% of our goal, but at halfway through our campaign we should be at 50%.

Today, from 2 PM - 5 PM we are trying to raise $1,000. If 100 people give up two cups of designer coffee and instead send those funds to our Pitchfunder, we can catch up by 5 PM today.

Will you consider joining us?

Choose a giving level


The Gift of Preparation

A gift of this amount can help a student pay for school supplies for a semester: notebooks, binders, highlighters, printing, etc.


The Gift of Health

A gift of this amount can provide one student's Bridge Plan: On campus counseling and health services for a semester.


The Gift of Knowledge

A gift of this amount could pay for one semester of books


The Gift of Home

A gift of this amount could cover the cost of a student's on campus housing for a semester.

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