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Play Big

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
108 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 15, at 12:00 AM MST
Project Owners
Choose a giving level



To line-up with the distances I’m going to be traveling over the course of 14+ hours, we have come up with some pledge amounts to reflect various triathlon distances. Help me get to the finish line with a gift representing the 26.2 miles I will be running.


Half Ironman

Sponsor half of my journey with a gift of this amount.


Full Ironman

A gift at this level supports the entire 140.6-mile journey!


Double Ironman

Strengthen my journey and your support of the Samantha Stachel Play Big scholarship.


Ultra Ironman

Take this competition beyond the finish line: support my journey and the Play Big scholarship in a big way with a gift at this level.

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