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Send ASU Quidditch to Nationals in Texas

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
47 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 14, at 12:00 AM MST
Project Owners

Send ASU Quidditch to Nationals in Texas

Who We Are

ASU Quidditch is a sports club on-campus comprised of two dedicated teams. We practice three times per week for two hours. Throughout the 2017-2018 season, we attended 3 different tournaments in Flagstaff and California and hosted 1 tournament in Tempe. Quidditch was founded in 2009 in order to unite Harry Potter fans and athletes alike. Quidditch is a unique athletic experience that is a combination of dodgeball, basketball, and rugby. Our goal is to compete at Nationals.

What is Quidditch?

Quidditch is a full contact, co-ed sport that is essentially a mix between rugby and dodgeball. There are seven players on the field for each team: three chasers that take the quaffle (a slightly deflated volleyball) and throw it through any of the three hoops to score 10 points, a keeper who acts as a goalie for the team, two beaters who take the bludgers (dodgeballs) and throw them at people and if you get hit with one you must get off your broom and touch your hoops before getting back into the game, and seekers who go and catch the snitch. The snitch is a person who is dressed in all gold with a ball in a long sock velcroed to the back of their shorts and in order to catch the snitch, the seekers must get the ball off of them for 30 points. The game ends when the snitch is caught after being released at 18 minutes into the game.

Why We Need Your Help

In April 2018, the U.S. Quidditch Organization will be holding the 11th Annual US National Tournament in Round Rock, Texas. Teams from all across the nation travel to compete against one another, and we are no different. This year we want to raise funds for the ASU Quidditch program to help transport all of our dedicated players from Tempe, AZ to Round Rock, TX. We need your help to make this happen!

Why We Matter

We are not just a team; we are a family. Not only are our current players involved, but also our alumni are lifelong seekers, beaters, keepers, and chasers. By donating, you are supporting a diverse community who takes pride in our sport.

Choose a giving level


The Golden Snitch

$30 represents the amount of points gained from catching a snitch.


42 Muggles

A gift of $42 represents one dollar for each quidditch-playing muggle in the program.


Night at the Leaky Cauldron

A $113 gift could support a single players hotel stay during the duration of the tournament.


Nimbus 2001

One players transportation could be supported with a gift of $398.

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